College of the Desert
Annual Report
Many organizations issue an annual report, but when it came time for College of the Desert’s yearly update, the request went beyond the usual. The ask: Create a document that not only reflects the personality, culture and mission of the institution, make it one that people want to read. With marching orders in hand, CV Strategies set to work on a refreshed, creative report that drew people in with eye-catching photography and graphics and kept them engaged with personal and thought-provoking stories.
Realizing that facts and figures were only a small part of the bigger picture, we developed a format that showcased the accomplishments of this community college through stories and visuals that conveyed the success of students. Focusing on people first allowed readers to bond with the subjects and prompted them to learn more about each topic, whether it was a program to help students overcome academic and financial challenges, outstanding faculty guiding students to reach their maximum potential, or generous donors who support the College.
This approach allowed us to draw a clear connection between the programs and services at College of the Desert and the direct benefit to students, thus delivering on the College’s goal to develop a memorable and impactful annual report.